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Home2023-06 Eleven Point River

Eleven Point Paddle  - June 10-11, 2023

Submitted by Lisa Pugh

Bluff City Canoe Club members embarked on an overnight on the Eleven Point by stopping in at Richard’s Canoe Rental for car shuttle.  Needless to say, that was an adventure all its own. One employee taught us how to “jam” the automatic locks on our cars by wrapping our key fobs in aluminum foil. (Note: It does not work.)  Most of the members camped at Greer Crossing Recreation Center. Several members went into Alton to eat Mexican food at Jason’s. There was a “pool” going on whether Paul could eat the entire Molcajete by himself.  The night ended with Sandy telling stories about her adventures and laughs.

       6/10 started off with perfect weather which would change by lunch when the clouds rolled in.  BCCC had two new members who had never done an overnight before.  Everyone was able to cram their gear into their boats without trouble and we were able to get on the water right on time at 9:00 am. We had 17 members, 3 canoes, and 13 kayaks. Richard was point and Lisa was sweep. 

We had wildlife sightings right off. Ducks and their ducklings were spotted.  When the Club had to choose a fork in the river, the members that took the left fork reported that they had a cougar sighting. Not sure how old she had to be for Richard to think she was a cougar.  There were sightings of bald eagles, a possible golden eagle, a heron, beavers, a muskrat, otters, a mink, a raccoon, a snake, turtles and a leech.  Greg and Ross attempted to catch dinner with no luck. Good thing Teresa had a backup plan of fajitas.  We stopped at a sand bar for a potty break, pictures, and Teresa’s cookies. 

We had one “swimmer” in our group and another that needed rescuing outside the group.  Our member fought the good fight, but the rock and current won.  With the help of other members, we were able to save dinner, although some of the cookies “drowned”. (Who knew that Ziplocs weren’t waterproof?)  after bailing, sponging, and rescuing a stranger that wasn’t wearing a PFD, we continued.  The hero of the float was Igor because he rescued a very important blue jacket with an irreplaceable front pocket. 

Next stop and lunch: Turner Mill, where the newbies were told to be initiated, they would have to submerge themselves in the waterfall.  Sandy wanted a picture for posterity.  After 3 attempts and Curtis not submerging, he was initiated by Lisa and Sandy by splashing him.  7 members went into the pool of the waterfall. YES!!! It was freezing. As we were getting ready to continue the paddle, the storm moved in.  Members were getting into their boats when the lightning started.  For safety, we returned to the lunch spot uphill where 15 members crowded into the porch and restroom.  Richard and Igor decided to have their pictures taken while “thinking” about their life decisions.  Frank and Lisa decided that it was way too crowded and sat under the picnic table laughing at the sight of faces staring back from the toilet.  After the storm, members continued the paddle, but a fog had developed and created an entirely different looking river.  Rain was intermittent.  The paddle continued until reaching Whites Creek Campground.  4 members took out at Whitten.  2 would rejoin the group in the morning to finish the paddle.

The word for the evening as we unloaded and took the boats off the river was: REBAR.  I think next time it needs to be a shot game. Whoever says “rebar” must take a shot.  Richard said he wouldn’t be able to walk straight if we did that.  After unloading and setting up camps, Teresa, Paul, Sandy, and Lisa worked on prepping dinner: chicken fajitas and guacamole.  All this member can say, Teresa put Jason’s to SHAME!!!!  Dessert was cookies that survived the drowning.  A campfire was built, and everyone sat around sharing stories, laughing, and complimenting Teresa because the dinner was so dang good.  We had a father and daughter join us in this primitive site and around the campfire.

6/11 began with rain which would end a little after we got on the water and the sun came out.  Everyone tore down camp and reloaded their boats while the word “REBAR” rang out.  It was about this time when the “newbies” were told they would need to swim the Blue Hole to be initiated into the group.  Curtis and Lisa decided that they would always have to be initiated whenever the BCCC would go to a new spot that we had never been.  To avoid further initiation, they said that since the members thought they had already been to certain spots, they would say, “Oh yeah, I’ve been here.” 

After walking up the extremely cold “falls”, the group arrived at the BLUE HOLE.  Everyone stood around and watched as Curtis and Lisa were initiated as members of the Bluff City Canoe Club.  Many were disappointed that we didn’t gasp at the shock of the cold water.  Frank admitted that he had never been “initiated” either and decided to go in.  He asked Lisa to join him, not being able to refuse him, she jumped back in.  We returned down to our boats where Lisa decided it looked like it would be fun to shoot the “rapids” coming off the falls.  Igor and Richard decided it was a great idea.  After dragging our boats up, we flew down the creek to the river.

We reached another rapid. It was probably the most turbulent.  It was so much fun that Curtis and Lisa decided to do it again.  Unfortunately, we had 3 swimmers at this spot, 2 that needed rescuing and one that stepped off the ledge that disappeared under his boat.  At least he didn’t flip his boat.  1 boat got wedged in a strainer and it took a minute to get it out and the paddler back in.  Other than a serious looking bruise, everyone was ok.

The end of the trip came too early with take out at Riverton.  However, knowing this group, we couldn’t let the adventure end.  We found that most cars with fobs were unlocked because shocker…. the aluminum foil packets did NOT block the signal and the locks would not engage.  Susan was even fortunate enough to have her window rolled down with rain getting inside and her wallet in the console.  After loading boats and changing, 8 members drove to Pocahontas for more Mexican food.  Igor had to take pictures of everyone’s food because he needs the Google views.

All in all, it was an incredible trip for first-time overnighters.  Many memories were made, laughs were had, and friendships strengthened. 

Put in:           Greer Recreation Area access
Take out:      Riverton access
River miles: 19
Water level at Bardley, MO gauge: 3.41 ft

Water level was very good for paddling. 

Eleven Point 2023 - Cover
Eleven Point - Blue Hole
Eleven Point - 2023 Paddle
For more photos of this event CLICK HERE

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